Although prostitution is highly stigmatized in Nevada, there are some measures that can be taken to fight against it. Some women are more talkative about their experiences than others. On the other hand, some women think it is a shame to share their experience with anyone. In this case, some of them are not as willing as others but they also want to maintain their anonymity. It should be noted that Nevadans go for sex in brothels more often than men.

Legal brothels in Nevada continue operating despite concerns about economy within the state. To make this industry more lucrative, ACLU of Nevada has been advocating for legislations. The call by women’s right activists to stop these brothels is yet to be responded by state task force; hence no one knows what will happen to the brothel industry.

While the status of prostitution remains illegal in Las Vegas, several counties have legalized its operation. Moreover, all activities related such services were banned by Nevada law from being practiced within any county of the State meaning that banning only one brothel would not make sense at all. However, if there was a ban on it then this would help save the economy and protect workers who could otherwise turn into prostitutes due to poverty and joblessness. If passed into law, chances are high that such legislation may result in resurgence of the business within the State thereby making it necessary for authorities to regulate its operation.

There have been no changes regarding legalizing or criminalizing brothels in this state since last year when we discussed this issue with you. These are closed since mid-March while most other industries have resumed operations. Also open again tattoo shops massage parlors skin care specialists etcetera including Starrs whose owners felt like they were discriminated against by them returning most likely even if it’s just one week per month once a prohibition gets lifted.

At present time however many legal brothels remain closed with a possibility of reopening on May 1, 2020. Nonetheless, this is a stopgap measure which may be lifted by individual counties if they wish. It is also not clear whether the brothels will operate inside these towns should the counties decide to permit them or not. The governor revealed that such businesses would never be allowed to develop in Nevada.

It does not mean that Nevada can only ban brothels by banning all legalized brothels in Nevada. In fact, other states have banned them on health grounds and Nevada’s law protects people from such facilities. Similarly, banning these businesses might harm the economy in general due to lost incomes and employment opportunities for thousands of employees working there as prostitutes along with those who are indirectly affected as their families suffer hardships too. The number of inhabitants will decrease in case such establishments become illegal throughout the state.