Your professional training and qualification as a sex therapist is significant in ensuring that you provide quality services to your clients. It is important that you choose a licensed professional with proper training and adequate certification, who can deliver quality care. Additionally, most sex therapists hold additional certification and education in both psychology and sexual therapy. State licensure should also be done for the practitioner.

If it’s your ambition to be a sex therapist, there are some things you need to be aware of before you even commence. These may include:

o The best way to become a sex therapist is by obtaining a degree; therefore, it would be wise to consider getting a Master’s degree in Counselor Education or Psychology first.

o For one to become a sex therapist he/she needs at least Bachelor’s degree which should cover the course outline within one year of learning process beginning. At the end of this level of study such individuals must have sat for an examination that leads them into being recognized by the state as licensed sex therapists through specific examination called American Psychological Association (APA) Certified Clinical Psychotherapist Examination.

o If you have already completed your Bachelor’s degree then think about taking another education class in your chosen field. Such extra education classes would consist of basic anatomy, psychology, philosophy, law among others.

o In order for someone to get his or her Bachelor’s degree with specialization in this particular field, he/she has to work at least two or three years. Upon completion of undergraduate studies apply directly for BA or BS in Counseling Education program offered by various community colleges or vocational institutes around USA on campus only.

o To become certified as an authorized sexual intercourse consultant many states mandate candidates pass written exams. With most accreditation exams requiring two evaluations upon completion before one becomes fully licensed as per the state requirements. Various states’ guidelines may necessitate some period of practice after which renewal could follow again with more regulations from authorities involved.

o You can verify if new applications are being accepted by the State Department of Health and Human Services for sex therapist. If you would like to check if your application is valid, the health department can review your records.

o Additionally, as a licensed practitioner, you will have to perform psychological assessments and conduct research to find out why your patients behave sexually inappropriately. Furthermore, part of your work as a nurse will include assisting patients in restoring normal sexual activity.

o Somewhere along the line of having been granted certification as a sex therapist, it is necessary for an individual to sit for a sex therapy certification examination that his or her state demands.

o A national or international examination on sexual therapy may be required by some states for one who wants to become a sex therapist. To register as a licensed sex therapist you need to have taken national/international certification exams in Sexual Therapy field after which there is need for passing another exam that relates directly with ones state’s legislation.

o Licenses are needed by most states before one can practice as a sex therapist. To become registered as a sex therapist and certified in your state, you may need to complete some more extra hours of internship.

o After college or immediately after getting a job, one should search for and get their certificate of completion from a licensed sex therapy institute. Having completed training like this, the next step is passing the state licensing exam in order to be considered a licensed sex therapist.